Cicada – English

White Paper Consultation

CICADA team conducted 7 consultation workshops in Battambang, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, Kampot and Tbong Khmum province with 94 participants (F = 56%). Preliminary finding confirms the previous findings of CICADA’s research. After reviewing the literature and reading the report of CICADA’s research findings, two main topics were identified to explore in the White Paper consultation workshop which are general recognition for artistic profession and the accessibility of National Social Security Fund (NSSF). What we found is that artists do not feel they receive enough recognition from the general public and their respective provincial department. Since CICADA mostly focuses on rural practitioners, most of them aware of the NSSF new coverage for informal workers, majority of them do not have enough information about its benefits and how to access it. Moreover, significant percentage of them reveal that they are most likely can afford only one family member. Thus, they are not able to pay for the NSSF cards for every members of their households. CICADA will produce recommendations based on these findings.

With a strong interest in gender equality, we also organized an only women informal gatherings with 9 women from diverse sector (film, literature, photography, screenplay, journalism, visual arts) in the creative industries. The informal gathering were facilitated by Phina So, CICADA Director and LIM Solinn, one of CICADA’s Steering Committee. In the women only gathering were to look into sexual harassment and exploitation in the industries.

CICADA is writing a short report by consulting with existing policies and previous research reports and submit to the relevant ministries and provincial departments to explore challenges and possibilities in accessing social benefits provided by the government.

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